How many times have you heard the phrase " Slow down, take time out of your day, relax..."
Everyone of us have probably been told a least a dozen times to do those things. But in reality its probably one of the hardest things to ever do.
On Friday I realized that I had 7 I repeat 7!!! things on my schedule.
1: Babysitting in the morning 2: Chemistry Lab 3: Meeting 4: Swim 5: Sweet CeCes with friends ( Which I know is certainly not a requirement but still on the schedule) 6: Swim lessons 7: Babysitting again ( different family).
On Friday I spent about 60 percent in the car going from place to place.
On Sunday, I heard 2 different sermons on slowing down and spending time with the Lord.
Well hello wake-up call!
Because I am a mostly a people person, I really hate being alone. I hate having silence. I always need something playing or someone talking. So spending time-- still, alone, quiet, etc = AHHH! What I have really been challenged by is this: spending time alone, should not have to be a punishment of some sorts but rather a reward. Also when people say " sit perfectly still and be super quiet" it kinda scares me off. Sounds a little scary if you ask me...
But rather a time to re-fill oneself before burning out on busyness.
I really challenge you to do it! I am rEaLly try hard. I maybe be able to last about 2 min at first but hey practice makes permanent!
Buenos noches!
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