Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Epic blogging fail/ Good news club

Guys I fail at blogging. No really. Failure.
Well anyhoo, no need to dwell on that. :)I wanted to share with you something that I LOVE doing every week,
Good News Club!

What is it? A group of of 7-12th graders ( mostly girls) go down to the TN village apartments and we pick the kids up on a bus and drive them back to a small little church. We sing songs, read "The Story Book Bible" ( HIGHLY recomend it for allllll ages!) do a craft, have snack, then take the kiddos home. It is so fun!

On Monday we had our last one for the year and I got to be with a sweet 4th grader named Ty. Looking at her you would not think that she is a 4th grader. She looks about 6th or 7th grade. She has so much pain, exhaustion, and confusion etched on her face.  I know very little about her, but what I do know is that she has to take care of  3 year old sister, she lives with her grandmother, and has a little trouble reading.  These facts about her are not that interesting by themselves, but combined, she has a pretty hard life. In the TN village apartments, there is a lot of crime, poverty, and many different races.

Ty has probably seen more than the average 17 year old has seen. But amazingly she is on fire for Christ. She is not weighed down with her living situation/ economic standing. She is happy as a bird. What a testimony!

Another little lesson from GNC that I learned was that God speaks in all langauges. Ty was telling me about a girl in her class that speaks only Spanish. I just then realized that God speaks in all langauges. I know it seems a little obvious, but I guess I had never really thought about how the Lord is not limited to English. He speaks to Juana in Spanish, Louis in French, Ming in Chinese, and any other language. I know, a 3rd grader could have figured that out, but I just thought that was really cool and demostrates how big our GOD is!

Love to all. And I will try not fail as much in the blogging department.

1 comment:

  1. Oh Jenny! How precious your thoughts and heart are! I love that you all pour your life out and the Lord pours back in to fill it! Msy the Lord keep Ty this summer and forever!! I love you!!
