So it has been exactly 1 month and 26 days since I have last blogged. I mean I think I should be awarded for my lack of blogging. That takes true talent. Only a true dedicated writer would stay away that long. :p Since you have last heard from me ( a month and 26 days ago) I have learned a lot about myself and HIS plans for my life. I am a planner. When I am stressed I plan. I have planned out what I want to do, where I want to go to college, when I want to marry, and how many kids I want to have. So when ole Jenny's plans do not turn out the way she wants, she can be kind of a brat.
Last week I went on a mission trip to Jackson MS. It was a great trip. Just very different than I expected. I had a sour attitude at the beginning of the week. I was not doing what I wanted. But by the end of the week He had softened my heart. He let me discover a different side of myself and be very encouraged.
So throw your plans out the window! He has the perfect, amazing, and wonderful plan! Trust that he will show you His face through HIS plans! I hope that you will hear from me before another month and 26 days pass.